
This is an old revision of the document!

Installing a client

  1. Your need your original Half-Life CD (you can also grab it here) to install the game
  2. Then upgrade to with this file
  3. Finally install Counter-Strike beta 6.1 with this file

You're almost ready to play. The easiest way is to create a shortcut to connect directly to a server (because you HL client will try to authenticate with WON and you'll have to wait for the timeout) :

hl.exe -game cstrike -noipx -console -numericping -32bpp -nojoy +connect

You can also download HLSW to manage servers.

If you want to install both beta 5.2 and beta 6.1 you may follow these 2 directives :

  • duplicate your Half-Life directory and install the beta you need so you'll get 2 separates directories
  • rename your cstrike directory to cstrk52 for instance and install beta 6.1

:!: Some servers require your CS directory to be named cstrike, cstrk52 or cstrk61. Please see here.

Some useful commands, add these to config.cfg :

rate 25000          
fps_modem 72
r_netgraph 1
hud_fastswitch 1
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext; +attack; wait; -attack"
bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev; +attack; wait; -attack"

Setting up a linux server

You need 3 files :

Uncompress hlds_l3016.tar.gz file :

tar vzxf hlds_l3016.tar.gz

Apply shell script :

chmod +x

Copy cs_beta52.tar.gz file to hlds_l directory and move to that directory :

cp cs_beta52.tar.gz hlds_l

Uncompress cs_beta52.tar.gz file :

tar vzxf cs_beta52.tar.gz

Create a symlink to fix errors for some older maps :

cd hlds_l/valve
ln -s halflife.wad HalfLife.wad

Edit hlds_l/cstrike/server.cfg to your needs.

To launch the server :

  • wiki/docs.1271678840.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2010/04/19 14:07
  • by cruchot